Advertise With Us
Become a member of the MeowTalk Partnership Program (MPP) and let MeowTalk promote your brand and services in context.
The MeowTalk Advantages:
Preferential access to a technology-savvy audience of validated cat owners:
80% of cat owners are between 18-50 years old
10% of MeowTalk users have 2 or more cats!
Women in their 20’s and 30’s represent the largest MeowTalk user demographic.
You are in control: Target specific geographic regions and app screens to show your messaging
Immersive and native: Your message content will look and feel like an extension of the app
One-click experiences: Ability to integrate with your API and backend services for one-click experiences that span far beyond mere ads
How It Works:
MeowTalk can display a slide-out panel on any screen with your brand and service messaging. The panel supports any HTML and image content.
When closed the panel appears like a banner containing a compact version of your messaging. When closed, there exists a line on the unit which indicates to the user that this item is controllable and can be “grabbed” by the user’s thumb or finger to slide the unit up to the see more content. This line and action is easily recognized by most app users in today’s world as it is quite common on Apple products such as iTunes and Google products such as Google Maps.

The user can slide the panel up to reveal the full-screen, immersive version of your message. Taps on your content navigates the user to the URL you specify.

Getting Started:
We are ready to move fast with you and can typically get a new partner setup in a few days with their message campaign.
Contact us at to get started on your journey of success.